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Terugblik - 4 November 2016

Literary Show: Cees Nooteboom and Christine Otten

In our monthly magazine on current Dutch literature writer Abdelkader Benali hosts Christine Otten and Cees Nooteboom. Otten will introduce her latest novel We hadden Liefde ('We had Love'). Cees Nooteboom discusses his new books Wat het oog je vertelt (What the eye tells you), and 533. een dagenboek (533, A Days Book).

Ottens new novel is about resistance, love and family. The book will be adapted for the theatre, and will have its premiere in Amsterdam next January.

This programme is made by Mira Feticu and Marcel Theeuwes of The Hague Public Library. Book selling by Van Stockum. Dutch spoken.


Writers Unlimited Gemeente Den Haag Fonds 1818 Bibliotheek Den Haag